
Chanrith Ang – Project Assistant, Access to Justice for Minority Victims of the Khmer Rouge Project
Chanrith is the Project Assistant for Legal Aid of Cambodia’s project that focuses on providing access to justice for minority victims of the Khmer Rouge era. Chanrith has been working as AJA’s key local NGO liaison since 2009 to gather the testimonies of Khmer Krom survivors of the Khmer Rouge regime from Takeo and Pursat, among other provinces across the country. He has a BSc in Social Science and Law and studied human security in Bangkok. As an advocate and human rights defender in Cambodia he is actively working in the field of good governance, rights based approach to development, rule of law, transitional justice, gender and human rights.



Sourn But Mao – Legal Assistant, Access to Justice for Minority Victims of the Khmer Rouge Project
But Mao is the Legal Assistant for Legal Aid of Cambodia’s project that focuses on providing access to justice for minority victims of the Khmer Rouge era. But Mao has worked with AJA since 2009 to conduct field research on mass crimes and specifically works to gather data at sites such as former prison and mass-graves that existed during the Khmer Rouge Regime (1975-1979). He also has field experience in gathering data across the country, in collaboration with the UNDP, on marriage and domestic violence. But Mao has an LLB degree from the Royal University of Law and Economics in Phnom Penh (RULE).

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